a blog and resources for trans survivors and loved ones

  • Empowering.
  • Healing.
  • Connecting.


square-Karen-B2Sexual assault is always the fault/responsibility of the perpetrator. If you were just assaulted or are experiencing a crisis due to a past assault, reaching out for help may increase your current sense of safety.  Below are some suggestions of where you can access additional resources to increase your safety, divided by goal:

Are you in crisis now?

Do you need to learn more about intimate partner violence?

Do you want to learn more about sexual assault/abuse?

  • All of our self-help guides include information on sexual assault, including how it specifically affects transgender and non-binary survivors. Most also contain extensive lists of other resources.
    • Transgender Sexual Violence Survivors: A Self-Help Guide to Healing and Understanding
    • A Guide for Partners and Friends of Transgender Sexual Violence Survivors
    • Let’s Talk About It: A Transgender Survivor’s Guide to Accessing Therapy
    • A Guide for Facilitators of Transgender Community Groups: Supporting Sexual Violence Survivors
  • These guides can be found at http://forge-forward.org/anti-violence/for-survivors/guides-for-survivors/

Are you concerned about stalking?

Are you wondering what else you can do to keep yourself and others safer?