If you are in need of shelter support, please contact us and we will do our best to connect you with resources.
Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence are experiencing intensified abuse while trapped with their abusers at home under “stay-safer-at-home” mandates during COVID-19. Under these tense conditions, abusers are taking advantage of survivors’ fear of COVID-19 and isolation to escalate violence, power, and control. Resources are spread too thin and trans/non-binary survivors are among the most vulnerable.
FORGE is currently experiencing a flood of calls from survivors who urgently need emergency housing to find shelter away from their abusers. During this time, many shelters are not accepting new clients/survivors. Many still will not intake trans survivors. Those who are accepting new survivors are overwhelmed and can’t meet this unexpected surge of need. Due to these factors, FORGE is working with hotels to place at-risk survivors in need — usually for prolonged stays, due to lack of access to traditional domestic violence shelters.
You can help!
Please donate your hotel points, timeshare points, airline miles and loyalty rewards to FORGE. We can use them to secure safe hotel rooms for survivors in need. Cash donations are always welcome, but if that’s difficult, please consider this creative way to help us meet the needs of the community.
Your points and miles really can save lives!
To donate hotel points, timeshare points, airline miles or loyalty rewards to FORGE:
Go to your loyalty program’s charity page or your timeshare account website and log into your account. If you’re able to designate FORGE as a recipient from there, indicate how many points or miles you’d like to donate and complete the transaction. While points and miles donations are not tax-deductible, donations can be a great way to keep your points and miles from expiring.
If you don’t see FORGE listed with your program and need help, or if you have questions, please contact Caleb at (414) 559-2123 or email miles@forge-forward.org.