a blog and resources for trans survivors and loved ones

  • Empowering.
  • Healing.
  • Connecting.
Coping with Climate Dread

Coping with Climate Dread

Last year, during the summer of 2021, I experienced my first severe heat wave on the West Coast. With temperatures reaching up to 120°, I was one of the many Portland residents living without air conditioning in my apartment. I was fortunate enough to have support...
Therapist Guide: PTSD and Symptoms

Therapist Guide: PTSD and Symptoms

Survivors of childhood abuse, sexual assault, and other violent assaults often experience post-traumatic stress. The way that individuals experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress may differ for each person. Being able to recognize these symptoms can be helpful in...
What does Independence Day mean in 2022?

What does Independence Day mean in 2022?

This week, the US celebrates Independence Day on July 4th. The messages we hear about freedom are in stark contrast with the recent Supreme Court ruling that limits a pregnant person’s right to bodily autonomy, anti-transgender legislation that restricts access to...