The other night, my partner and I had dinner with our 30-year-old son. We don’t see him all that often, but when we do there is a lot of conversation. He went from being a kiddo who wasn’t big on talking to a young man who is interested in a lot of subjects and even...
Storytelling is one way that we can heal from trauma. This might take many forms–telling our story to someone else one-on-one, taking a class or workshop that helps us develop our stories, or doing exploratory writing that’s just for ourselves. Writing can be a...
Imagine a house that’s falling apart. There’s a crack in the foundation, holes in the roof, mold on the walls, faulty electrical wiring, and general gross stuff everywhere. There is no one action that will make the house safe to live in. In fact, some of the problems...
During Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), many organizations share statistics about how sexual violence impacts different communities. We’ve done this in the past, and there are good reasons to share this kind of data. Understanding the scope of the problem can...
What is trauma? Many survivors of sexual assault or intimate partner violence know that we’ve been through something terrible and that it has affected us. Some of us may use the word trauma to describe what happened or the impact. Some may not. Many...
I asked my team to switch the day we posted this, so it’d be around Valentine’s Day, which I think is hilarious. (Of course, they agreed – both to the change and that it’s funny.) It’s nice to laugh about something that used to stress me the eff out. On this blog, we...