a blog and resources for trans survivors and loved ones

  • Empowering.
  • Healing.
  • Connecting.
Trans Day of Visibility: Uplifting Trans Joy

Trans Day of Visibility: Uplifting Trans Joy

Spending my work days tuned into the anti-trans legislation that’s being passed in states across the US can be exhausting. It’s difficult to balance the need to be informed and keep up with the latest developments, while also not becoming consumed by negativity and...
Getting There Safely: Tips for Riding with Uber

Getting There Safely: Tips for Riding with Uber

Last week, I attended a webinar on rideshare safety for survivors of violence, hosted by NNEDV and Uber. Rideshare services like Uber or Lyft can be important resources for folks who need to access transportation, but may feel uncomfortable or unsafe using public...
Safer Sex, Monkeypox, and Trans Survivorship

Safer Sex, Monkeypox, and Trans Survivorship

You might be wondering, “What does monkeypox have to do with trans survivors?” Possibly a lot! In addition to Monkeypox being a public health crisis, some trans community members might be at higher risk for contracting the disease. Trans survivors may have additional...
What does Independence Day mean in 2022?

What does Independence Day mean in 2022?

This week, the US celebrates Independence Day on July 4th. The messages we hear about freedom are in stark contrast with the recent Supreme Court ruling that limits a pregnant person’s right to bodily autonomy, anti-transgender legislation that restricts access to...